Transforming Homes and Lives

We provide high quality investment properties at reasonable market prices


We Make It Simple

We find the best deals for you

We strategize in getting the best fit for your real estate investment. Obion Management's team of experts will find the best real estate investment deals.

We find the best deals for you

We strategize in getting the best fit for your real estate investment. Obion Management's team of experts will find the best real estate investment deals.

We help guide investors through the purchase process

The purchase process can be very tedious. We offer a smooth purchase process that only require not much of your time.

Enjoy the comfort of your investment

Here in Obion Management, we value our clients' trust. We look forward to giving a personal approach to provide real estate investment solutions to our clients.

Enjoy the comfort of your investment

Here in Obion Management, we value our clients' trust. We look forward to giving a personal approach to provide real estate investment solutions to our clients.

We Do What We Do Best

Property Management

Investor Purchase



About Us

Obion Management of California is a forward-thinking property management company.

We focus in providing high quality investment properties at reasonable market price by using innovative real estate investment solutions. We value our clients by giving personal approach in  rendering our expert services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services do you offer your clients?

We help clients in a variety of ways: from acquiring properties, increasing their cash flow, saving money on taxes and protecting their assets.

What service does Rental Property provide?

The rental property side delivers world class service. We do two things. We communicate proactively with our investors once a month. We have an investor relations team that is dedicated to providing monthly updates to our investors on their property’s performance. We also provide ongoing, transparent reporting. All bills and maintenance costs are explained and documented on your monthly statements. In addition to the statements, copies of the invoices /bills are available on your owner portal.

What is our average tenant's income?

Our average tenant’s annual income is $50,000.

Does property management charge tenants a late fee?

We do charge a 5% late fee. This fee is split between the owner and the property management company.

Does property management charge tenants a pet fee?

The property management team does charge a pet fee. We charge one month’s rent, and this is non-refundable. This fee goes directly to the owner.

Do you offer a rental guarantee?

No, we do not offer a rental guarantee. We do realize this is offered by other turn-key providers and this might provide a false sense of security for your long-term investment. We know we have the right team in place to occupy your property.

How often do investors get paid?

We pay our investors every month. We wait until the end of the month for owner drafts and reporting to allow all maintenance bills and/or fees to be collected and reflected in that month. We start the owner draws on the20th of each month.

Do your properties come with appliances?

Our properties do not come with appliances. We recognize that appliances are costly to repair, replace and service. Our goal is to provide our investors a consistent rate of return through the years. Variables that can drastically affect this return are not used. We chose to place this financial responsibility on the tenant, not the investor.

Do you work with out of state investors?

We do work with out of state investors.

Do you help clients with asset protection?

We do help our clients with asset protection. We do have referral sources that we can send them to because the goal is to protect the asset once you’ve acquired it.

What renovations do you complete on the properties?

The rehab process is very important to us. The returns are best in older properties. We believe in putting long-term durable materials in the renovation. That includes new metal roofs that last 40+ years, new HVAC units that come with a 15-year manufacturer’s warranty, new water heaters that come with a 10-year manufacturer’s warranty, and we often replace the electrical unit, as well. Our goal is to provide a property with high quality materials that will last a long time and that will defer maintenance for as long as possible for our investors.

How long does it take to rent the property once the renovation is complete?

On average, it takes us 47 days to fill a property after we have reconditioned it.

Where is Obion Management located?

We are currently located in Valencia, CA. We do have plans to expand into other markets. We do recognize that as our buyers list continues to grow, Valencia’s market may not be able to hold this demand. At some point, we will explore additional markets for other great rental property opportunities. These new markets will have to deliver the same class B neighborhoods, rental rates and returns our investors have come to expect.

What types of neighborhoods do you purchase in?

Our neighborhoods typically have a household median income of$50,000, lower crime rates, and a school racking of 3+ ratings.

What is your tenant screening process?

We take the tenant screening process very seriously. We have a strict process on screening and run a 50% rejection rate. Our goal is not to place a tenant – it is to place the right tenant. We require a credit score of550 or higher, three times the monthly rent in income, and no evictions or convictions on their rental history.

How much does a move-out cost?

Our average move-out cost right now is $1,700. Keep in mind, that doesn’t mean that you, as an investor, are going to have a $1,700move-out. It may be a $200 move-out where they just need basic cleaning, or it could be a $2,000 move-out. This is the average.

Do you provide a home warranty for the first year?

We do not provide a home warranty for the first year. Home warranties are great for investment properties that come with appliances. The great thing about Obion Management is we do not supply appliances in our homes. This is for a variety of reasons, but mainly to protect our investors’ capital and mitigate any loss of income. A home warranty can be purchased for $500 if desired, to give additional peace of mind.

Is a tenant placed in the property prior to closing?

We try our best to place a tenant in the property prior to closing. We realize the importance of getting the property occupied, and it is preferred by our investors.

How do I place a property under contract?

The process to purchase with Obion Management begins with getting pre-qualified with one of our lenders. Purchasing with cash is a slightly quicker close time. Once you are pre-approved, we begin property selection. As inventory becomes available, you work hand-in-hand with our sales team to place your desired properties under contract. After your property is selected, all contract documents are executed electronically. When all parties are ready to close, our closing coordinator will work with you, your lender, appraiser, home inspector, and closing attorney to ensure this process goes as smooth as possible.

What are the rent ranges for your properties?

The rent range is determined by a variety of factors. We evaluate the local school ratings, crime rates, area demographics, characteristics of the individual property, etc.

Do you own the properties that you sell?

Our company does own the properties that we sell. There are other organizations out there that act as a marketer. We directly own the properties. We do hold the properties in house and we sell them as a private, direct sale to our investors.

Does Obion Management offer in-house property management?

We provide property management in-house. This is vital to the success of our investors' overall experience. Anytime you farm the property management piece out of the turn-key process, you really invite the risk of having a third party that is not as invested or as interested in the long-term performance of your property as opposed to someone that manages it in-house.

What fees does our property management company charge?

We charge a one month leasing fee for the initial one-year lease. Two-year leases assist with our average length of stay, which is 38months. We charge a $500 renewal fee after the two-year lease. Our current renewal rate is 57%. We charge a 9% property management fee.

What is communication like after closing?

The biggest complaint we hear is the lack of communication after the property is closed. We take a different approach. We have a full-time investor relations department that is dedicated to reaching out to investors once month. This serves as a progress report and update on their property. Through the online portal, transparent reporting, and the monthly communication– we strive to over-communicate with our investors.

Contact Us

Contact our excellent, experienced team today to talk about how we can help you with your real estate investment.
It'll be a pleasure to answer all of your questions.

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